CereStim API - groupStimulus
groupStimulus is a fairly useful command in Cerestim APIs, that is described on page 44 of the IFU attached below:
groupStimulus allows the end user to send stimulations on multiple channels at once, using only a single command. Since this command is only a single line, it significantly reduces the latency required to program the Cerestim while still maintaining a high number of stimulations.
A comparison of what groupStimulus can do vs how it would appear as separate commands is below:

Versus using groupStimulus:

groupStimulus(1, 1, 1, 4, [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4])
Since groupStimulus only takes one line and ~6ms to program, versus each autoStim taking it's own line and ~4ms, we cut down from roughly 16-20ms of latency to only 6ms.
Attached to this KB article is a MATLAB stimMEX script that demonstrates a few more uses for groupStimulus, including running groupStimulus on a 10ms looping delay, and running groupStimulus back-to-back to verify the programming time for two stimulation attempts.
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