NSP Gets Stuck in Initializing Step 2
There is a known bug with NSPs with PNs 7530, 9650, and 10411 where their LCD screen shows "Initializing Step 2" and it gets stuck. This is a known issue associated with the NSPIF board (i.e. the PCI board that the fiber optic cable attaches to) that causes this issue on startup.
This issue is easily resolved by power cycling the NSP. If the issue appears and then a power cycle resolves it, there are no known issues with the quality of recordings following the previous inability to properly initialize. If the NSP never gets out out the "Initializing Step 2" phase, or enters it on over 50% of its startup cycles, you can try to remedy this issue on site. First, open up the case by removing the screws on the top and sliding the lid off. Then tighten the connection between the NSPIF board and the NSP's motherboard making sure they are secure. The image below shows the two connection points that you should focus on.
NSPIF connection points circled and pointed to in orangeOther steps that you can try include:
- Slotting the RAM stick on the motherboard into a different RAM slot
- Plugging the NSP into a different ethernet port on the Host PC
- Dusting out the interior of the device with compressed air
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