Note: If you are recording data with both the NSP and Gemini hubs, update to 7.6.1.
Timestamping has fundamentally changed from operating on a nominal 30 kHz clock to Precision Time Protocol (PTP) on Gemini hardware. This is a departure from previous communication between the digital hubs and the I/O signal processor, where a single clock driven by the Neural Signal Processor (NSP) would sample from the data streaming from the digital hubs via fiber optic, which resulted in data that was properly aligned by default.
Now, the Gemini hubs and I/O NSP each have their own clocks. This has the benefit of being able to run independently from the I/O module as needed but creates a necessity for ensuring that the data in recorded files is aligned with time.
Time Stamping Changes in Central 7.6.0
Starting with Central 7.6.0, the data timestamping approach has changed, and special considerations apply to how the files are handled. Files saved with Central 7.6.0 now contain a vector with the PTP time in the metadata that correlates with each sample. These timestamps have precision in the sub-microsecond range.
A new tool has been added to NPMK, samplealign.m, to load the saved files and automatically realign the samples to a nominal 30 kHz clock. samplealign.m adds or removes samples in order to achieve alignment with the desired sampling rate (30 kS/s for NS5/NS6, 10 kS/s for NS4, etc). When a user loads in continuous data that utilized PTP timestamping via openNSx.m, the data-loading algorithm automatically incorporates samplealign.m. Loading in data that did not utilize PTP timestamping will not call samplealign.m. This default behavior preserves legacy data analysis pipelines, where the continuous data segments only have one timestamp at recording onset for an array of continuous data. Users will be able to see whether samples have been added or removed with automated warnings whenever samplealign.m is called and the function adds or removes data for alignment. In order to avoid this alignment behavior, call openNSx with the optional argument ‘noalign’ to load in the continuous data, which will load the aforementioned timestamp vector instead of one timestamp that marks the recording onset.
If you are having any trouble with handling the files or have additional questions about aligning the data, reach out to our support team at