Windows Provisioning Tool-induced Packet Loss

Windows Provisioning Tool-induced Packet Loss

An error in Windows Provisioning Tool from Windows 10 build 1809 onward can result in an approximately 8-second interruption in any UDP communication within about 20 minutes of computer restart. If a Blackrock Cerebus or NeuroPort system is currently communicating with the PC at this time, this results in complete packet loss over that 8 second duration and a clock reset on the Cerebus or NeuroPort system, which will severely hamper data collection.

This issue can be fixed by disabling Windows Logon Tasks with the following steps:
-Open Task Scheduler
-Go to Task Scheduler Library/Microsoft/Windows/Management/Provisioning
-Disable Logon Task by right-clicking the task and selecting Disable from the drop-down menu

As of 7/7/2020, this has been implemented into the final build process for all Blackrock-provided host PCs. Please note that any subsequent Windows updates will re-enable Logon Tasks, requiring the user to repeat the disabling steps.

The packet loss can be identified either through an 8-second gap in data files, or through the Blackrock log, which can be found in c:\Blackrock Microsystems\Log. In the log, the error can can be identified by two consecutive messages of 'DlgDataLost: The Link between the PC and the NSP appears to have been broken' about 5-7 seconds apart (see picture).

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