How To
Central - Color Blindness Enhancement
Note: Users will need Central software suite version 7.7.0 or later to take advantage of this enhancement. The Cerebus Central software suite (RS-0048), NeuroPort Central software (RS-0049), and the Cereplex Direct Central Suite (RS-0101) are ...
Gemini Hardware - Central connection issues
When running Central with Gemini Hardware, users might experience connectivity issues with errors such as "Unable to Open Instrument Network" This can be a result of assigning two different IP addresses on the same ethernet adaptor or having the same ...
nPlay Troubleshooting Guide
Attached to this article is a PDF detailing troubleshooting steps regarding nPlay connectivity. If none of these tips are able to help resolve your issue, please send in an email to to receive further assistance with your ...
PTP Data Alignment
Note: If you are recording data with both the NSP and Gemini hubs, update to 7.6.1. Background Timestamping has fundamentally changed from operating on a nominal 30 kHz clock to Precision Time Protocol (PTP) on Gemini hardware. This is a departure ...
CereStim API - Multi-Device Control
INTRODUCTION: StimMEX, the MATLAB based API for controlling the CereStim 96, can be programmed to operate multiple CereStim devices at the same time. This allows for a greater degree of control over multiple CereStims compared to Blackrock’s ...
Fast Settle Functionality
Stimulus delivery to recording electrodes or electrodes adjacent to the recording electrodes is likely to cause saturation with stimulation artifacts. Fast settle works to mitigate this, generally providing a shorter recovery from stimulation by ...
Concatenating segmented files in NPMK
Occasionally during recording sessions, users may encounter brief packet loss or they may pause and resume file recording themselves. When this happens, Central File Recording will write a new header to the file, causing the data to become segmented ...